• 概述
著名导演肯·伯恩斯,莎拉·伯恩斯,David McMahon执导的新片《中央公园五罪犯》将在2012上映,由Ed Koch,David Dinkins,Craig Steven Wilder,Calvin O. Butts III,迈克尔·沃伦,Kevin Richardson等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《中央公园五罪犯》是一部剧情片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem were arrested and later convicted of raping a white woman in New York City's Central Park. They spent between 6 and 13 years in prison before a serial rapist confessed that he alone had committed the crime, leading to their convictions being overturned. Set against a backdrop of a decaying city beset by violence and racial tension, THE CENTRAL PARK FIVE tells the story of that horrific crime, the rush to judgment by the police, a media clamoring for sensational stories and an outraged public, and the five lives upended by this miscarriage of justice.

暴力,法制,种族,媒体,青春,一个也没说清-01/26/13@Regent Square Theater

潮派纪录片,聚焦种族偏见、司法漏洞、青少年犯罪,mtv剪法与对archival的认真求索对比并融合。其中confession videotape不由得勾起对wen ge的联想,而事件本身引发的关于死刑的讨论与无从消解的种族认知被无数次的“we are not good people”叩问,望向各种解读。

people can be so ignorant and so wrong the worst thing is they wouldnt admit even they know they have done something really wrong.

5 Exonerated in Central Park Jogger Case Agree to Settle Suit for $40 Million https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/20/nyregion/5-exonerated-in-central-park-jogger-case-are-to-settle-suit-for-40-million.htm...

  美国纽约版聂树斌冤案:1960年出生的白人女孩崔丽霞・梅莉,喜欢在曼哈顿中央公园慢跑。1989年4月19日晚上,她在公园慢跑时被袭击和强奸,昏迷了6个星期。纽约警察很快逮捕了5个涉嫌殴伤和强暴梅莉的青少年:4个黑人,16岁的怀斯是拉丁裔。媒体跟风炒作,警察根据“供认”而予以起诉。   首次审判于1990年8月举行,3名嫌犯(两名14岁、一名15岁)被判5至10年有期徒刑,他们坐了7年牢。1990年12月召开第二次审判,一名14岁的嫌犯被判5至10年,他被关了7年;16岁的怀斯被判5至15年,他坐了13年牢。2002年,李斯向纽约检察官办公室坦承在1989年(当时他17岁)4月19日晚上单独犯罪,在梅莉身上和衣物上找到的DNA亦证明是李斯的。拉丁裔的李斯是个累犯,他的犯罪纪录以强暴和杀人为主,他当时因别的案件被判无期徒刑。   2002年12月19日,纽约最高...