• 概述
著名导演安妮·芳婷执导的新片《无辜者》将在2016上映,由璐·德·拉格,阿加塔·布泽克,阿伽塔·库莱沙,樊尚·马凯涅,尤安娜·库里克,伊莱扎·莱辛姆波,卡塔尔齐娜·达布罗斯卡,安娜·普洛克尼亚克,海伦娜·苏耶茨卡,米拉·马鲁辛斯卡,多罗塔·卡达克,克拉拉·比拉瓦卡,帕斯卡尔·艾尔索,托马斯·库芒等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《无辜者》是一部剧情片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。 无辜者


  Poland, winter of 1945. Mathilde Beaulieu (Lou de Lâage) is a young intern working with a branch of the French Red Cross. They are on a mission to find, treat and repatriate French survivors of the German camps. One day, a Polish nun arrives in the hospital. In very poor French, she begs Mathilde to come to her convent. Mathilde life and beliefs change when she discovers the advanced state of pregnancy that affect several of the Sisters of the convent just outside the hospital where she performs.