• 概述
  • 我的婚礼和其他秘密BD高清中字

著名导演罗丝安妮·梁执导的新片《我的婚礼和其他秘密》将在2011上映,由米歇尔·洪,马特·惠伦,郑佩佩,曾江等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《我的婚礼和其他秘密》是一部爱情片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。 The contemporary story of Chinese New Zealand-born over-achiever Emily Chu, raised to believe she can get anything she puts her mind to. Even if 'anything' is at odds with her traditional Hong Kong born parents' wish for her to become a doctor like her two older sisters. Everything is coming up roses - until she meets James, a European New Zealander, and accidentally falls in love with him. But if her father finds out, she will face disownment. By the time Emily realises that she's sacrificing the respect of her family to follow her heart, James, too, has fallen irrevocably in love and there's nothing for it but to try and keep their relationship a secret. Happy endings don't come easy, if at all, but that doesn't mean they don't happen. But for Emily to get one, she needs to show James and her family that she has learned a lesson about the selflessness of love.