• 概述
著名导演鲁本·马莫利安执导的新片《公主艳史》将在1932上映,由C.奥布雷·史密斯,莫里斯·舍瓦利耶,珍妮特·麦克唐纳等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《公主艳史》是一部综艺。琥珀影院完结在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   When Parisienne tailor Maurice Courtelin learns that one of his aristocratic clients, the Viscount Gilbert de Varèze, is a deadbeat who never pays for the merchandise he acquires, he heads off to try and collect what is owed to him. He gets little in the way of cash from the Viscount who is desperate that his uncle, the Duke D'Artelines not learn of his debts. He suggests that Maurice spend a little time at the chateau until the money can be found. The Duke takes an immediate liking to Maurice - who's been introduced as a Baron - but that's not the case for the Princess Jeanette who, after an encounter with him him on the road earlier that day. Over time Jeannette falls in love with him Written by garykmcd

三星半。艳史的男主角太渣了,几次流里流气的调情下来毁掉了浪漫的氛围,还不得让人感叹渣男误终身啊。不过身为歌舞片,片头的Thats the Song of Paree和片尾的Nothing But a Tailor分别描绘了巴黎街景的喧哗和阶层偏见的喜感,偶尔出现的慢镜头也很出彩。


雷内·克莱尔的巴黎街景——早期有声片——妙趣横生的Isnt It Romantic

  When Parisienne tailor Maurice Courtelin learns that one of his aristocratic clients the Viscount Gilbert de Varèze is a deadbeat who never pays for the merchandise he acquires he heads off to try and collect what is owed to him. He gets little in the way of cash from the Viscount who is desperate that his uncle the Duke D'Artelines not learn of his debts. He suggests that ...

歌舞片开山鼻祖之一,清晨城市交响乐和接力棒唱段“isnt it romantic”堪称经典。