• 概述
著名导演Martin Skalsky执导的新片《浪浪回家》将在2019上映,由Martin Skalsky,科迪·克里斯蒂安,Maike Maja Nowak,Mark Rowlands,Lya Battle等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《浪浪回家》是一部纪录片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   Adopting an animal into your life can be a life changing experience. The documentary film Cody - a homage to dogs researches the possibilities and the accompanying conflicts and dilemmas when adopting street dogs and trying to treat all beings with equal rights. Taking their past and emotions in consideration. There is no guarantee for success. But if man wants to qualify as the greatest creature on earth, it comes with responsibilities. Cody is an adopted Romanian street dog. He had a long journey and so did his human companion. They want to share the learnings they had along the way and support shelters around the world so more dogs can find a loving home. Sharing their example of how profound a human-animal bond can be, they aim to inspire more people to adopt, or at least pay a visit to their local shelter. This documentary is bound to raise awareness that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter their past.

  Adopting an animal into your life can be a life changing experience. The documentary film Cody - a homage to dogs researches the possibilities and the accompanying conflicts and dilemmas when adopting street dogs and trying to treat all beings with equal rights. Taking their past and emotions in consideration. There is no guarantee for success. But if man wants to qualify as ...

三星给摄影,纪录片本身实在是太意识流,只配得上两星,全程主人公都在自言自语自顾自的思考,根本没有过多讲述科迪本身,甚至连科迪的镜头都很少。 片名应该改成,科迪善于思考忧虑探究意识流的感性吊裆裤娘娘腔男主人的心灵之旅……总是嘴上说着科迪,实际上自己又陷入了思考,然后突然话题转到其他地方,科迪就是个他自恋圣母的工具而已……


工作上時常與狗接觸 確實會看到狗有各自的脾性 他們會挑選自己的朋友 也會記得跟誰好跟誰不好 但這些都是真的嗎還是都只是人類如此侷限的感官與小腦袋自己的想像與判斷而已//Cody有年紀長了的白臉很可愛 所有救援跟領養的對狗狗的愛也都很真誠 導演的發想也是我常思考的 那些自由來去的狗跟每天常常得關在家裡的所謂有家的狗 真的有誰比較快樂誰比較幸福這回事嗎? 很多時候狗狗確實愛你但人類真的...
