• 概述
著名导演Henri Pachard执导的新片《女孩性爱伴侣》将在1978上映,由朱丽叶·安德森,罗恩·杰里米,维罗妮卡·哈特等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《女孩性爱伴侣》是一部喜剧片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   The story involves a hectic and hilarious chase as Mrs. Leautrec (Juliet Anderson) and her dashing son Paul (Ron Jeremy) stalk three incredibly beautiful diamonds through the ballrooms and bedrooms of Europe, using love and lust as tools of their trade. Hot on the trail of the third and finest diamond, our notorious heroes find themselves at an elegant New York disco where Mrs. Leautrec meets the diamond's owner, Mr. Greenfield, while Paul strikes an unusual sexual bargain with the lady in red (Samantha Fox). Mr. Greenfield, a multi-millionaire, invites Paul and his mother to his annual masquerade and orgy. As hundreds of masked party-goers publicly pursue their favorite perversions, Paul and his mother are caught in an incestuously devious trap, causing them to lose the diamond to another thief (Veronica Hart).

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  The story involves a hectic and hilarious chase as Mrs. Leautrec (Juliet Anderson) and her dashing son Paul (Ron Jeremy) stalk three incredibly beautiful diamonds through the ballrooms and bedrooms of Europe using love and lust as tools of their trade. Hot on the trail of the third and finest diamond our notorious heroes find themselves at an elegant New York disco where Mrs....

